Hostile Environment Awareness Training ( HEAT)
HEAT is a form of high fidelity stress exposure training that combines theory with high-stress and highly realistic simulation training.
NGO/Mission and Corporate training for Security and Contingency plan training, and consulting services.
TCCC Tier 1-4
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
TCCC has four levels of qualification: All Service Members (Tier 1), Combat Lifesaver (Tier 2), Combat Medic (Tier 3) and Combat Paramedic (Tier 4).
TCCC Instructor Certification Course
Upon graduation from the BTMITP, students will be able to deliver training in the basic, civilianized tenets of TCCC life-saving skills addressed in the DHS Care Under Fire Education Standards.
Basic First Aid For Anyone
2-day BASIC Introductory course:
Part I: Basic CPR Certification
Part II: Basic Level Stop The Bleed
Part III: Command In Crisis
Part IV: Simulation Training / Stress Test
Simulated Indoor Tactical Training
Training for Urban Operations
Urban Assault Course
Close quarter Combat
Adverse Conditions
Emergency Response, Tactical and Medical/Clinical training courses in simulated scenarios that include:
Fire/Smoke - Flooding - Earthquake - Active Shooter - Power Outage - Overturned Vehicle or Ambulance - Drown-proofing/Water Survival
Combat Lifesaver
Combat Lifesaver (TCCC CLS) is a 40-hour course for non-medical police and security personnel being deployed into hostile situation or combat. For civilian course, see 'Basic Lifesaver For Everyone'
Emergency Vehicle Operations
This course prepares the executive chauffeur or private security contractor with the driving skills necessary to survive an attack while on the road.
Driver Course Outline
Vehicle Mechanics & the Science of Driving
Vehicle Types & Considerations
Vehicle Checks, Equipment & Emergency Preparedness
Attack Recognition & Ambush Avoidance
Armored and Unarmored Vehicle Evasive Maneuvers & Concepts
Accident Avoidance, Emergency braking & Swerving-to-avoid Obstacles
High-Speed Vehicle Maneuvers, Braking Techniques & Skid Control
2 Point Escape Turn and Reversing Techniques
Convoy techniques and operations
Radio communications
Evaluated Performance Standards & Minimum Passing Requirements